COSHCON2023 Registration Now Open!

As we told you back in June it will soon be time for COSHCON2023! What is COSHCON you ask? It is the largest gathering of workplace health, safety and environmental trainers, advocates, academics, professionals and concerned workers in the nation. And COSHCON2023 is first time it will be in-person since the start of the SARS-CoV-2 … [Read more…]

Hazardous Materials Transportation and Your Community’s Safety

On Tuesday, September 12, 2023 WisCOSH trainer Jim Schultz will be presenting an overview of the D.O.T.‘s HAZMAT 1st Responder Awareness Level training that WisCOSH offers. The presentation will begin at 7pm CDT. This presentation is being given in cooperation with 350MKE which is a local group of concerned community environmental activists. The presentation is … [Read more…]

DOL Moves To Strengthen Worker Protection

On August 29th the Dept. of Labor announced their plans to clarify & strengthen worker’s right to have an authorized employee representative during a workplace walk around inspection by OSHA. Workers have long had this right and many unions have used this right to ensure employers are not able to distract or sidetrack inspectors from … [Read more…]

OSHA Reopens Public Comment Period for Proposed Heat Standard

Workers have long known that hot and or cold conditions in the workplace affect their ability to perform their work duties safely without harm to themselves, their coworkers, their workplace and their work. The Dept. of Labor has also recognized this and has attempted to rectify the situation through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration‘s … [Read more…]