April 28 is Workers’ Memorial Day.
Once again WisCOSH will commemorate those workers lost to workplace incident as well as those lost to workplace exposure and disease. WisCOSH invites family members, coworkers, unions and the entire community to join us as we gather in downtown Milwaukee, WI on April 28, 2022. WisCOSH is being joined by the Milwaukee Area Labor Council (MALC) and the Waukesha County Labor Council (WCLC) in holding two events.
The first event – Mourn The Dead – takes place at Zeidler Union Square Park. People are encouraged to begin gathering at 5pm with the program starting at 5:30pm. The program includes remarks from U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (invited), U.S. Representative Gwen Moore (invited), Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley (invited); Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson (invited); President Pam Fendt (MALC) and other labor leaders, reading of the names and ending with a live performance by members of American Federation of Musicians Local 8. Zeidler Union Square Park is located at 301 W. Michigan St., Milwaukee, WI.
Following the event at the park WisCOSH will hold an event – Fight Like Hell for The Living – which will take place at the American Postal Workers Union hall (417 N. 3rd St., Milwaukee, WI) which is a short walk from the park. WisCOSH will prepare a meal and present a short program. The meal is a fundraiser with the profits being split between an account dedicated to the upkeep and maintenance of Zeidler Union Square Park and WisCOSH‘s activities. The meal is priced with workers in mind as $5 paid in advance or $7.50 at the door. All are welcome to attend whether or not they wish to partake in the meal and scholarships are available so that no one will be turned away because they cannot afford the price. The meal consists of choice of a freshly grilled Usinger’s bratwurst or a vegetarian meatless burger, chips, relish and fruit tray and dessert. A variety of beverages will be on hand as well. To make a reservation you can email wmd2022ATwiscoshDOTorg or you can mail a check or money order to WisCOSH, 3427 W. St. Paul Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208 and be sure to include a note on what the payment is for. If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation you can send it to the same address.
As there is often unpredictable Spring weather for these events WisCOSH will open up the APWU Hall at 5pm for those that do not wish to stand outside and wait for the program. At 5:20pm WisCOSH will lead a procession to the park and another to the hall after the park event is over.
A number of other areas around WI will also hold memorial services, press conferences and/or other commemorative activities. WisCOSH will post information about those events when we receive them.