If you have hazards in your workplace – and EVERY workplace does – you should be aware of what they are, where they are and how they can harm you. What is as important is to keep track of how long they’ve been there, when management was notified of them and what has or hasn’t been done to eliminate them or reduce worker exposure to them. If your employer refuses to do anything about the hazard(s) you may need to file a complaint with OSHA but in order to do that you are going to have to give OSHA information they can use to confront your employer with. The information you provide will determine how effective OSHA is and whether they even follow up on your complaint.
In this workshop we will discuss what information OSHA will want, how and where to find it and how to keep it. There are many was to take notes and keep records, not all of them are as effective as you will need.
There are no prerequisites for this class but it is recommended that you have taken the Basic OHS Rights & Responsibilities and Hazard Identification At Work classes.