When workers need help with workplace safety or health issues they can rely on WisCOSH‘s Resource Directory to help them find out who and where to go to for that help. WisCOSH packs it full of contact information [phone numbers, e-mail and website addresses] on a wide variety of workplace safety and health issues. Every year WisCOSH releases it’s updated Resource Directory in conjunction with Worker’s Memorial Day on April 28. WisCOSH has begun sending out notices about our 2012 Resource Directory and how you can show your support for WisCOSH and safer and healthier work and workplaces. WisCOSH’s Resource Directory is provided with the training materials provided in all training as well as at all events WisCOSH participates in.
The Resource Directory contains useful information, list of workers killed on the job last year, phone numbers and links to OSH related websites for government agencies and private organizations. If you would like to place a message of support in the Resource Directory please download the order form and send it with payment to the WisCOSH Office and Worker Center..